Thursday, September 4, 2008

A few little headlines.

So, the Yankee in a Chip Shop video FINALLY managed to get released. Its pretty adorable. Shawn Harris might be kind of a homely dude, but he does have quite the fabulous sense of style. Anyway, watch it here!

Also, Happy (slightly belated) Birthday to Andrew McMahon! And a big YAY for the fact that after the tour with Paramore Jack's Mannequin is going on another fall tour. And they'll be around here. W00t.

And Fall Out Boy released their newest single on friends or enemies.

Finally, the new Gym Class Heroes album comes out next week, and I have absolutely no intention of buying it. Its a bit sad, I just haven't really liked anything I've heard off of it. Maybe I'll buy it later, but for now, not so much.

*emo tear*