Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My eyes are the size of the moon

The new Panic at the Disco single (Nine in the Afternoon) is available to listen to on their myspace page. I'm excited. Really, really excited. No, seriously. I look pleasantly relaxed, but inside I'm doing some sort of jig. Let me tell you, its a little scary.

Also, Across the Universe came out on DVD today. You should buy it. I'm going to.

Also (again), I saw Cloverfield last weekend. I don't know anything about it that I didn't know from watching the ads. Okay, that's a lie, I now know what Cloverfield looks like and who dies at the end. Spoiler alert: everybody dies.

Edit: Okay, so Across the Universe apparently didn't come out yet... but I swear there was a copy out at Meijer.

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